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10 Ways to Promote Blog Posts with Social Media

10 Ways to Promote Blog Posts with Social Media

June 20, 2013

By Ryan Malone

 If blogging is already a part of your inbound marketing plan – congratulations! It is a key part of building online credibility, increasing visitors, creating new content on a consistent basis and generating leads. But how are you promoting those new blog posts? Do you just post them and hope for the best or are you sharing them with your followers via social media? With just a little more effort, blog posts can go further and create more opportunity for your company. According to Pew Research Center, 69% of adults use social media. Here are 10 ways to promote blog posts with social media:

  1. Facebook
    Every blog article you post on your website should be posted to Facebook as well. With over 1.1 billion users (701 million active), Facebook has grown from a college student networking site started in February 2004 into the way billions of people connect around the world. It is the platform to share not just your blog posts, but new products announcements, specials, discounts, news stories that are applicable to your business or industry and just plain fun stuff. Be sure to encourage your customers to “Like” your business page on Facebook by having a sign at the counter, a note on your statements and on your business cards.

  2. TwitterTwitter
    What other application offers you the ability to frequently promote your content to a specific target market who can then share it with their communities? Began in March of 2006, it has grown to over 500 million registered users (297 million of which are active), and it is quickly gaining ground on #1 Facebook. Training yourself to be entertaining, enticing, amusing and thought provoking in 140 characters or less is a challenge that can quickly become an obsession. But treat it for what it is….. a tool to entice prospects and customers to your web site.

  3. LinkedIn
    linkedin logoOne of the older social networking sites, around since May of 2003, LinkedIn has stayed true to its business model. It has blossomed into THE go-to site for business professionals - with 225 million professionals registered. LinkedIn is the perfect place to share your blog articles with other experts in your field. Who is more likely to read an article on precision measuring instruments – a random follower in your feed that you know from your son’s soccer team or a member of a professional organization specializing in them? You are more likely to spark conversations/comments when you’re “preaching to the choir”.

  4. Vine
    vine glyph 2xLaunched in January of 2013, Vine is a newcomer to the social networking scene. Vine was quickly acquired by Twitter even before their launch. It allows users to shoot, share and watch short (6 second) looping videos. Celebrities, athletes, and brands alike were quick to jump on the Vine-wagon. Check out these Vines from The Brooklyn Nets, Paul McCartney, and my personal favorite – a preview of “The Wolverine”. Try shooting a quick video at a company event or meeting and sharing it on Vine. It is a quirky way to get a fast message out to your followers. This is a fun app to watch.

  5. Google+
    google plus badgeLaunched in June of 2011, Google+ started as an invite only application which caused many users to say “Me Too!!”. But it didn’t catch on like the folks at Google had hoped. But they have a new plan. If you’re logged in to Gmail you’re also logged into YouTube and Google+. It has helped them achieve 359 million active users as of June 2012 – outpacing Twitter. Although according to Business Insider, “only 135 million were actively posting”.  Keep this application on your radar. If you’re using marketing software like Hubspot, it’s easy to post in Google+ along with other platforms and stay in the game.

  6. Pinterest
    pinterest logoMarch of 2010 saw the launch of Pinterest. Logging 48.7 million users as of February 2013, the rise of the online scrapbooking application has made different inroads than other social apps. Pinterest focuses on its users sharing images that link to content for everything from photographers, artists, cooking, cleaning, furniture and more in over 34 categories. But here’s the beauty of Pinterest – making your products or services visual pays. “Pinterest users spend 70% more money than visitors referred from non social channels,” indicates Social Media analyst site Digital Marketing Ramblings. To get started, use compelling photos in your blog posts and pin those on Pinterest with a link to your post to draw folks in. Just for giggles, here's my favorite meme about Pinterest:

    Pinterest comic

  7. Instagram
    instagramLaunched in October 2010 Instagram became a fast success with the advent of high quality cameras on mobile phones. As of April 2012, there were over 100 million active users. From selfies to group outings, artistic angles and even more cat photos, Instagram is another way to visually engage with your prospects and customers. Use the app to take screen shots of software products and feature up close photos of products to pique your followers’ interest. 

  8. SlideShare
    slideshare logoFounded in October, 2006, SlideShare is all about sharing presentations. With 60 million monthly visitors and 130 million page views, it ranks among the 200 most visited websites in the world. Along with presentations, SlideShare also supports documents, PDFs, videos and webinars. It’s a great place to host your files after a webinar or sales meeting so team members, prospects and customers can access it. And having those materials out there is a great way to showcase your company’s skills.

  9. Buffer
    buffer app logoBuffer is a new kid on the block as well, launched in December of 2010. It is a web based status scheduling service that allows you to post across different social networks on a schedule that you set. You can load up a variety of posts, tweets and statuses for Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin and it will launch them on the days and times that you select. This is a great way to post numerous tweets and updates about a blog post over several days.

  10. Social Media Icons
    Now that you’ve got the inside scoop on all these wonderful social media tools, don’t forget to use their icons EVERYWHERE. Posting these universally recognizable badges on your site will instantly give it social cred. Be sure to have them at the top of each page and in each blog article. Include either the icons or a plain text link in the footer of your emails. We have actually had customers contact us through our email footer links.

Not sure how or where to get started with blogging and social media? Contact SmartBug Media. We work with our clients to ensure that their messages are well written, consistently produced and distributed across all the social media channels.

What is your biggest frustration with social media?


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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Blogging, Social Media Marketing