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Content Marketing Ideas for the Senior Living Industry

September 5, 2019

By Graham Mazie

The senior living industry is large and, oftentimes, overwhelming. Caregivers and those in need of care will turn to the internet for help. Here are just a few ideas to help you establish your brand and create content for those looking to navigate through their challenges.

Post Reviews on Your Website

Adult children and prospective residents will look to find the best care for loved ones and themselves. Posting reviews from current and former residents and their families will add authenticity to your community and reassure those worrying about the quality of care they might receive. Add the reviews to a testimonial page or in sections throughout your site.

Blog About the Process of Bringing a Loved One to Assisted Living

Prospects will have a lot of questions about bringing themselves or their loved ones into a senior living situation. Make sure you’re blogging about the answers so that they might be seen. Common topics that are likely to be highly trafficked are:

  • Bringing up the subject of senior living to a loved one
  • Choosing the right community
  • Transitioning into senior living
  • Socializing in an assisted living community
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Write About the Journey of Residents

It’s important to make the distinction between documenting resident journeys and reviews. Whether it’s writing blog posts on current residents or case studies, prospective residents and their family members will want to know what their experience will be like ahead of time will be like. Reading about or listening to the experiences of others will give them an idea of what to expect. Anxious prospects will be happy to see success stories from others who were in their situation.

Create an FAQ Page or Column

You’ll notice that one of the keys to great senior living content is providing answers. What better way to do this than with an FAQ page on your site? Better yet, create a question-and-answer column as a blog or newsletter. That way, you’ll be able to answer individualized questions that maybe aren’t so “frequent” and provide an avenue to more content for those asking the same questions.

Create and Share Video

Video can be an effective tool for your senior living community if updated regularly. Videos of social activities, meals, holidays, and residents enjoying themselves, which can be shared on social media, will provide prospects with a view of what to expect. YouTube is also frequented by baby boomers, millennials, and everyone in between.

As you can tell, the best way to make and spread content in the senior living industry is by providing information and assuaging fears. The senior living industry is about taking care of those who might need it, so if you create your content in this manner, you will have a recipe for success on your hands.And for more info on effective marketing with in the senior living industry, check out our blog post on Marketing to Seniors 101.


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Topics: Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Senior Living