“What gets measured gets improved.”
These wise words were coined by Peter Drucker, a prolific writer known as the founder of modern management. His core philosophy is also one we subscribe to at SmartBug Media, as keeping a constant pulse on marketing analytics is an necessary key to unlocking client success.
Since Drucker’s heyday, we’ve experienced a revolution in how buyers and sellers work together and today, there is no shortage of analytic tools and platforms to measure marketing success—–especially inbound marketing KPIs. Two of the biggest platforms that provide necessary data and yield actionable insights include HubSpot and Google Analytics. You may wonder whether you need both, and how to get the maximum benefit out of their combined analytical power. We’ve got you covered. But first, let’s start with the basics.
Before diving into options for analytics, let’s get on the same page with what must be measured for proper iteration and ultimate success. Some of these inbound marketing KPIs are going to provide direct, clear insight into the success of your inbound marketing efforts while others are going to provide indicators and trends, or help identify patterns forming on your website and/or along the path to purchase. Here are 14 key KPIs to include in your ongoing inbound marketing analysis:
In addition, look for trends and patterns in:
Once you’ve created buy-in across your organization about how you’ll measure the success of your inbound efforts, it’s time to track, analyze, and synthesize data into optimization opportunities and next steps. Leveraging data from HubSpot and Google Analytics in combination yields the ultimate data-crunching powerhouse and offers a true strategic advantage.
While HubSpot provides tremendous clarity into what’s happening along the buyer’s journey and provides Ferrari-level horsepower when it comes to lead nurturing, there are a few metrics only found in Google Analytics. Those include (but are not limited to):
Curious whether your visitors are scrolling down and reading your entire blog post? Would you like to see how often a visitor clicks or taps a social share button (and on which platforms)? Do you wonder what percentage of people visit your pricing page after an e-book form completion? Would you like to measure what percentage of viewers watch your entire video? And most importantly, from the perspective of inbound marketing KPIs, are you curious where in the funnel your leads are dropping off, abandoning the buyer’s journey, and/or skipping important steps along the path to purchase? These insights are possible with event tracking in Google Analytics, and are supercharged by setting up goals and related goal funnels.
Modern marketers are often asked to also be analysts (AKA data nerds). The intuitive nature of HubSpot can help quickly identify monthly trends, especially involving data along the buyer’s journey and how visitors interact with your website and marketing efforts. However, if you want the ultimate flexibility in reporting, visibility into micro conversions, ability to drill down deep into aggregate user behavior, and insight into the specific activity on site pages, Google Analytics is as necessary to HubSpot as peanut butter is to jelly. Or maybe almond butter and honey. Or margaritas and salt. You know, those things that just really belong together.