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How to Turn Ebooks into Blog Posts that Drive Traffic for Your Website

October 21, 2014

By Matt Farber

There are many little tricks inbound marketers can do to help streamline a marketing plan.  Some of these little tricks include re-purposing content.  Re-purposing content might be the easiest way to develop new content in a time-efficient manner.  Yo may have multiple premium pieces of content in your library and not that many blog posts.  I’m going to explain to you how you can take those premium pieces of content, specifically ebooks, and repurpose them into blog posts that will drive traffic to your website.

Use the Table of Contents for Idea Generation

When you write an ebook, typically you will create a table of contents outlining the topics covered.  Use this as your guide for potential blogs to create. Each chapter is a blog post. Each sub-chapter is a blog post, and so and so on.  For example, if your ebook is called How to Sell More Shoes you might have a chapter that is about optimizing flat shoes vs. high-heeled shoe inventory. In this chapter you probably talk about the demand of flat shoes vs. high-heeled shoes, seasonality of the different types of shoes, and optimial times to put each kind of shoes on sale.  Each one of those topics are blog posts. Title examples include:

  1. What Time of Year Do Flat Shoes Outsell High-Heeled Shoes?
  2. Optimizing Shoe Inventory for Prom Season: Why You Need More High-Heeled Shoes
  3. How to Maximize the Sales of High-heeled Shoes in Winter

The list could go on, but I think you're seeing the point. Those three blog titles came from one hypothetical chapter of the ebook example. Think of how many you could create with an entire ebook.

Reword Chapters into Blog Posts

Simply copying and pasting a section of the ebook into a blog post may affect the flow and readability of your post. Make sure you re-work the copy as needed, highlighting what the post should be talking about.  Some sections may take a little more work than others, but that's alright. Give yourself a time limit, follow best practices and you should be good to go. 

Include Blogging Best Practices

Now that you have edited the section of the ebook into a blog post, it’s time to optimize your blog with best practices.  Make sure you have a targeted keyword in the title of the post.  This means you may need to rework the original ebook heading. That's okay. You are blogging to rank in Google, so optimize it!

A couple other best practices to follow include:

  1. Having an image that relates to the topic
  2. Adding a call-to-action at the end of your post
  3. Including internal links that point to other blog posts or pages on your website
  4. Writing a meta description that summarizes what the post talks about

Blog Promotion

Lastly, now that the blog is optimized it’s time to promote it.  Sharing your blog on your company and personal social media accounts is suggested to drive traffic.  If you’re active on LinkedIn you should post the blog in groups that make sense.  We’ll probably be posting this article in multiple marketing and inbound marketing groups.  The content is targeting to the right audience and should deliver some qualified traffic.  Other ways you can promote the blogs are in your company newsletters and placing some links on your website that point to the blog.

There you have it, a simple, efficient way to create a blog post by repurposing ebook content.  Do you have any ebooks you could use to repurpose content for blogs?

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Topics: Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing