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7 Sales Enablement Blogs You Should Follow Now

7 Sales Enablement Blogs You Should Follow Now

April 12, 2019

By Sandy Moore

Do you want to implement a top-notch sales enablement strategy or do you need to take your approach to the next level? Advice from experts can expand your knowledge and guide you to achieve a successful sales enablement program. Let’s take a look at some blogs that provide helpful resources for educating yourself about sales enablement best practices to help you deliver the right content to the right prospects at the right time.

1. HubSpot

In my opinion, HubSpot spends just as much time and effort on perfecting and selling their software as they do on educating their partners and end users on best inbound marketing and sales practices. Their sales blog covers a wide variety of topics that appeal to both marketers and sales reps. Because HubSpot started as a marketing platform, the company understands the importance of sales and marketing alignment, which is a critical component of sales enablement. One of my favorite blog posts is “4 Ways to Make Sales Enablement Actually Helpful for Reps.” This blog highlights the basics of any sales enablement program, and it is an important reminder to those just starting and for the pros out there.

2. Sales Hacker

I recently started following this blog, and I have to say, the content they produce is spot on. Sales Hacker is a community of experts in the sales and marketing industry that deliver advice and education for those that want to learn. As promised and stated on their homepage, “We provide world class thought-leadership, webinars, conferences, online courses, sales training & digital partnerships.”

They understand the emerging role of sales enablement within organizations and want to provide ongoing support for those individuals. In addition to the blog, they have podcast and webinar content that leverage the knowledge of a wide range of experts and their partners.

3. Challenger

Have you ever read one of the best-selling Challenger sales books? If so, this blog capitalizes on the same knowledge that sets the foundation for the books that make the Challenger brand so famous. The blog focuses on topics of sales strategy and tactics that define the “challenger rep.” Sales enablement is about using content within the sales process and providing valuable resources for your prospects. Using content to tell a story can up your selling game. One of my favorite blogs from Challenger outlines “Why Salespeople Need to Be Storytellers” to help sales professionals understand the importance of storytelling and learn how to tell a story.

4. Content Marketing Institute

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) knows how to provide valuable tips for writing content—and that includes sales content. Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of meeting and speaking with the founder of CMI, Joe Pulizzi, at conferences and events. Joe had an amazing vision and understood the need to educate people about content marketing early on, when digital marketing was just ramping up. The Content Marketing Institute helps answer questions and provide education to those seeking it. Their blog is curated by a team that lives and breathes content marketing every day. In addition, CMI’s Content Marketing World event is one of the largest events hosted today on the topic of content marketing.

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5. Salesforce

One of the most robust CRM tools in existence is the Salesforce CRM. Most sales professionals have or are currently using Salesforce to record their daily sales activities. Many Fortune 100 companies use Salesforce, and for that reason alone, Salesforce understands what is most important to any sales team. A few years ago, I read this blog post and it still holds true today: “7 Signs You Need a Sales Enablement Solution.” Their content is evergreen and supported by solid research with real-world knowledge that makes their blog rich in context for sales enablement solutions.

6. The Sales Blog

This is another blog that I recently started following, and I have been intrigued by the articles that they publish. The Sales Blog is written by founder S. Anthony Iannarino, who has been a speaker, author, and thought leader in the industry since 2009. He focuses on making business relationships during the sales process. In addition to reading the blog, you can also join over 100,000 people who read Anthony's Sunday newsletter each week.

7. Marketo

Last but not least, another blog worth checking out is Marketo’s. This blog has a wealth of knowledge on the topic of sales enablement. Whether you are looking to start a new sales enablement program or improve upon your current program, this blog has you covered. Plus, you can tailor your subscription services and receive either B2B or consumer content on a daily or weekly basis.

There are many resources and blogs out there on the topic of sales enablement that can be extremely valuable. At the end of the day, sales enablement is about providing your sales team with the content, tools, and resources that they need to aid the buyer in the buying process and ultimately close the sale.

The content you read should be educational and outline solutions that address the buyer’s pain points. Staying on top of the latest tips and tricks for executing a successful sales enablement program will help drive revenue and make you look like a rock star.


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Topics: Sales Strategy, Sales Enablement