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Pushing Past the Fear of Using Video in Your Sales Cycle

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May 26, 2022

By Lyndsay Dean

Incorporating video in your sales cycle can be daunting. And if we had to guess, the first time you turned on your camera during a video call it was unnerving, too. We all have fears, and for some reason, seeing ourselves and hearing our own voices is pretty high on the list. Other excuses come down to not having your hair done, not being dressed nicely enough, or not having the best location for your background and lighting. 

Whatever the reason, it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and press record because video in your sales strategy has many benefits.

Video isn’t just for prospecting anymore. Sales representatives who use video in relationship-building and sales emails beyond prospecting see five times higher open rates and eight times higher open-to-reply rates. The truth is, you’re not a professional video-maker—and the good news is, you don’t have to be!

Ready to push past the fear and start using video in your sales process? Learn the ins and outs of a video strategy for sales communications, and get a better understanding of the different types of videos you should be using.

The Advantages of Videos in Your Sales Strategy

Using video for prospecting has been deemed very effective, but what if we told you that you should use it throughout the whole sales cycle? Adding videos at every stage of your sales efforts is key to grabbing your prospect’s attention, closing deals, and growing your customers.

Consider the following benefits of using videos in sales:

Break Through Cluttered Inboxes

Grab the attention of your prospect by including a video in your email. Adding videos can increase click rates by 300 percent.

Explain Complex Topics Effectively

Video helps to explain a topic more clearly by showing, not just telling. 

Build Trust

Videos can feel more transparent than written content or sales collateral. They create more of a human connection, allowing you to bring your personality to the conversation and form your relationship.

Shorten Deal Cycles

Video helps to eliminate the unnecessary back and forth. They can also help keep a deal moving forward that would otherwise be stalled by conflicting schedules. Instead, you can send a video versus scheduling individual meetings or waiting a few weeks for schedules to open up. 

Perfectly Time Your Follow-Ups

With a video tool like Vidyard, you’ll be notified when your video is watched. Not only that, Vidyard has video tracking that shows how much of the content the viewer watched and what parts they skipped.

Watch on demand "Pushing Past the Fear of Using Video in Your Sales Cycle".

5 Types of Video to Use in Your Sales Process

Videos are a powerful medium to add in human context. But you may be asking yourself, where do I use them in my sales process? And the simple answer is, anywhere you would like to see higher conversion rates, timelier responses, and shorter sales cycles. Use video throughout every step of the journey—when you’re prospecting and trying to get into an account, when you’re following up with a deal and want to stand out from other reps, when a deal goes silent and you need to put some emotion into it, and when you close the deal.

Communication is more than just what we say and how we say it. Communication consists of mostly body language, so when video is used you are able to connect deeper with your audience. Here are five types of videos you can use throughout your sales funnel to establish a rapport with your prospects more quickly and build lasting relationships.

1. Introduction Video

Sending a video introducing yourself grabs the attention of your audience and makes them feel comfortable with you from the beginning. It puts a face to your name and instantly builds credibility.

2. Event Follow-Up

If you want to make a lasting impression on your audience, send a quick follow-up video within 24 hours of meeting at an event. Don’t worry about your background or lighting! This is very effective regardless of quality.

3. Walk-Throughs and Demos

Eliminate long text in emails and reduce the back and forth by sending a video of product demos, process walk-throughs, or even sales agreements. This ensures everyone is on the same page.

4. In Place of Meetings

Have you ever heard the phrase “That meeting could have been a video”? Instead of adding another meeting to the calendar, consider recording yourself to save everyone time.

5. Post-Sales

One of the most valuable videos that many people don’t think about is post-sales. This could be a video on the next steps, about how onboarding works, or even to thank and recognize someone.

How to Get Started with Video

Knowing when and where to use video is half the battle. You also need to know how to get started in creating the videos that work. But don’t worry, incorporating video into your sales cycle doesn’t have to be hard or scary. You don’t have to have the best background, perfect lighting, or a high-end camera. Don’t overcomplicate it. Remember to just be yourself, because being human builds trust.

In your videos, try to stay away from scripts. Do your research and prepare for your recording ahead of time. Before you hit record, get your mind right and ask yourself “Why am I sending this video? What do I want to accomplish?” Be short, clear, and straight to the point. This provides more authenticity and lets your personality really shine. 

If you’ve never leveraged video in your sales process, start with one of these five types above. Every time you hit the record button, you will get a little braver and a little better. And remember, don’t get caught up in being perfect. Keep it simple, be yourself, and be human. 


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Topics: Sales Strategy, Video Marketing, Sales Enablement