Why Call-to-Action Buttons on Solution Pages Grow Inbound Leads
May 30, 2014
By Amber Kemmis
Solution or service pages serve a big purpose on your website. They are, in many marketer’s eyes, the main content on your site and the pages that you want most visitors to see most. I couldn’t agree more that these pages are important, but I often see solution and service pages underutilized for lead conversions. Seems odd right? The pages that are used to sell your product or service actually provide very few or no conversion opportunities. Why do marketers do this? Well, often times, design takes precedence and call-to-actions (CTAs) aren’t planned in design because the design team knows little about inbound marketing and more about the aesthetics of great design.
Recently, I encountered this issue. A client was creating great content, had highly trafficked and newly designed solution pages, but they were missing CTAs on these pages and throughout the entire website. After implementing a global CTA on all pages, their leads grew 5x. If your site currently lacks CTAs on your solution or service pages, here are a few reasons why you should consider adding them to grow leads.
Converting New Leads
Let’s face it, not all leads that land on your site are ready to buy your solution. Often, when a CTA does exist on a solution page, the offer will be to request a quote or consultation, but what if the visitor isn’t ready to do that and just wants to learn more? Don’t lose out on an opportunity to convert a lead who is just becoming aware of how your solution meets their pain points by giving them only one or no opportunity to convert. For example, SmartBug offers a CTA to “The Ultimate Guide to Inbound Marketing Personas” on our solution pages to convert leads who may not be ready for a consultation but certainly want to learn more about inbound marketing. This allows us to capture information to help move a lead further down the buyer’s journey.
Accelerating Sales
Visitors who view your solution pages are interested in what you do and some may also be repeat visitors that have already downloaded some of your content. By using Smart CTAs, which allow you to deliver an offer based on the lead’s stage, you can accelerate the sales cycle. For example, if a lead has already downloaded your “How to Guide”, you may want to present them with a case study.
Growing Inbound Leads + Lead Intelligence
CTAs on solution pages will help you to grow inbound leads, but what I think is more important is that they also allow you to learn more about your leads. For example, you may have a lot of repeat leads that you’d like to learn more about. Serving up different offers with CTAs allows you to build segmentation and personalize lead nurturing that is more effective. This is especially true if you are using Smart CTAs that allow you to deliver new offers or more relevant offers based on the lead intelligence you’ve already gathered.
Have you used CTAs on solutions pages to increase leads?

About the author
Amber Kemmis was formerly the VP of Client Services at SmartBug Media. Having a psychology background in the marketing world has its perks, especially with inbound marketing. My past studies in human behavior and psychology have led me to strongly believe that traditional ad marketing only turns prospects away, and advertising spend never puts the right message in front of the right person at the right time. Thus, resulting in wasted marketing efforts and investment. I'm determined to help each and every one of our clients attract and retain new customers in a delightful and helpful way that leads to sustainable revenue growth. Read more articles by Amber Kemmis.