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Join us on Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Tell Everyone About Certification Day

SmartBug Media's Certification Day is quickly approaching on Wednesday, August 4—and you and your colleagues should get in on the fun. You already know how important professional development is for yourself, so spread the word and help someone else improve too!

If you decide to use your day of professional development to learn from the courses within the HubSpot Academy and take your certification exams in August, HubSpot will donate $5 to UNICEF on your behalf.

Use the graphics below to share about your participation in World Certification Day, and encourage others to join and increase the donation to UNICEF. Click on any individual image to open and save it to your phone or computer.

Don't forget to tag SmartBug Media and HubSpot Academy in your posts so we can applaud your efforts on #WorldCertificationDay.

Learn more about SmartBug Media's quarterly Certification Day and World Certification Day. Don't stop learning once World Certification Day has passed! Join us monthly for SmartTake: What’s New with HubSpot webinars to maximize your investment in HubSpot.


Insta Stories

World Certification Day pre-event stories 1 World Certification Day pre-event stories 2World Certification Day stories - I got certifiedWorld Certification Day stories - Certified? Check!


Linkedin Post

World Certification Day pre-event post for LinkedInWorld Certification Day pre-event post for LinkedIn or Twitter 2

World Certification Day day-of post for LinkedIn 1World Certification Day day-of post for LinkedIn 2


Facebook or Twitter Post

World Certification Day day-of post for Facebook 1World Certification Day day-of post for Facebook 2


Instagram Feed Post

World Certification Day pre-event square 1World Certification Day pre-event square 2

World Certification Day day of event square 1World Certification Day day of event square 2


Twitter Profile Header

World Certification Day twitter banner 1World Certification Day twitter banner 2


LinkedIn Profile Header

World Certification Day LinkedIn Banner