Marketing Spend Pitch Template

With so many requests coming from different teams and an increasing pressure to manage a small team, you can easily get overwhelmed. All of a sudden, you’re not hitting the revenue goals you set for the company.
Maybe, it’s time to bring in a third party to support your efforts? But how do you convince the board? With a well-structured marketing spend pitch, of course! Our team created a ready-to-use template that highlights the key benefits of hiring support.

With our template, you’ll be able to:
- Understand and showcase your team’s current needs and goals.
- Show your team’s current level of expertise and the required skillset.
- Prepare for objections and have possible responses at hand.
- Showcase the costs versus the outcomes of hiring a third party.
- Ultimately, reel your team in.
At the end of the day, a “marketing spend pitch” is like a sales pitch. You want the executive team to buy into your idea. That’s why you need a clear plan of action and a clear set of outcomes, as well as answers ready for their objections.

Our template includes:
Sections to add your current needs and goals
A level of expertise and skill set chart
Bonus secret section
Time to get your marketing budget approved.
Just fill the form below and get access to your own template.