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FulcrumHQ by LeapThought is an intelligent construction management platform driving the digital transformation of project and asset management for the architecture, engineering, construction, and operations (AECO) sector.
When LeapThought first approached SmartBug®, the team sought a fresh online presence that would boost visual appeal to support sales-led conversations and awareness at both enterprise and government levels.
The web development team quickly began crafting a new website design that would catch users’ attention and drive them to request a consultation. Today, visitors are greeted with sleek menu navigation, boldly branded visuals, and strategically placed calls to action (CTAs) for increased user engagement.
Vibrant colors in background gradients, graphics, buttons, and hovers create visual appeal and brand cohesion.
Custom designed dashboards illustrate a simplified version of the client’s software, including 3D model renderings.
Custom graphics layered atop stock images offer the illusion of fully customized imagery specific to the intelligent construction management niche.