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Knowing Your Risks Requires the Right View

MCO website desktop view
MCO website tablet view
MCO website mobile view


MyComplianceOffice (MCO) provides SaaS compliance management software that enables companies around the world to reduce their risk of misconduct. With its singular focus on conduct risk, MCO has developed a fully integrated solution that helps clients of all sizes easily and affordably comply with confidence. MCO was looking for a website redesign and, more importantly, a re-architecture of its website. SmartBug Media™ dove deep into MCO’s data and information, including personas, goals, audits, and competitor analysis, to develop a new information architecture to meet MCO's growing needs. From this baseline, SmartBug was ultimately able to redesign the site with a professional look that meets customers’ growing expectations.

MCO website buyer's journey MCO website desktop buyer's journey

Speaking to All Visitors

A dual content architecture serves visitors at various stages of the Buyer’s Journey, helping guide them no matter their level of compliance understanding.

MCO best-in-class website desktop MCO best-in-class website mobile

Using the Research

We created a detailed comparative industry review with contextual insights and recommendations. This data was key to building an industry best-in-class website.

MCO site architecture encourages conversions MCO site architecture encourages conversions on mobile

Relating to Prospects

Our analytics review and UX recommendations led to a site architecture that makes MCO relatable to prospective customers and encourages conversions.

MCO compliance on tablet

The Look of Compliance

The website uses images to reflect MCO’s global presence and the pivotal and structural nature of the logo mark.

MCO website color palette tablet MCO website color palette mobile

Perfecting the Palette

We refined the website’s color palette, using a muted dark blue for strength and replacing cyan with teal for greater contrast and readability.