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Texas Tech Federal Credit Union

Building an Innovative and User-Friendly Website for a Texas-Based Credit Union

Texas Tech Credit Union Website Desktop View
Texas Tech Credit Union Website Tablet View
Texas Tech Credit Union Website Mobile View


Texas Tech Federal Credit Union is a Texas-based financial institution that provides auto loans, mortgages, personal loans, and checking/savings accounts, providing each member with the best in technology, products and services. When they approached SmartBug, they were looking to modernize their site, improve the online user experience, and create a resource for members and visitors seeking financial advice. SmartBug accomplished this by creating customized photos using the organization’s brand colors, simplifying the user login process, and emphasizing its financial blog, FAQ section, and accessibility features. 

Login Feature on Texas Tech Credit Union Website Login Feature on Texas Tech Credit Union on Mobile

New, Simple-to-Use Login Feature

Texas Tech Credit Union members can now sign in quickly and easily using the site’s updated online banking login. 

Texas Tech Credit Union Updated Blog

Update and Launch of New Blog

A few months prior to launch, SmartBug began creating keyword-friendly, financially relevant blog posts for Texas Tech Credit Union. Now, visitors can access this helpful content—which covers a variety of topics -- from home loans to checking accounts to personal loans -- to learn more about relevant financial topics. 

Customized Photos for Texas Tech Credit Union Website

Customized Photos

To help Texas Tech Credit Union establish a modern, innovative, technology-forward banking platform, SmartBug’s design team created customized photos for its site using a combination of color-coordinated graphics and stock images. 

FAQ Section on Texas Tech Credit Union on Mobile

FAQ Section

Each section of the website (auto loans, mortgages, and personal banking) includes an easy-to-read, user-friendly FAQ area for frequently asked member questions.